What are the Best Ways to Eat Leftover Wings?
August 10, 2016
Reasons to Order Pizza for Your Employees
September 9, 2016You’ve heard the famous line, “You can’t go home again,” but that’s not totally true. Sure, places change over time, and people come and go, but, in general, you can actually go home again. “Home is where the heart is,” right? There’s something very comforting about being home and/or coming home. Home is about family, tradition, and, most importantly, love.
When you think of growing up, do you have a favorite meal your mom made you? It didn’t have to be anything fancy. Maybe it was her macaroni and cheese, or a certain soup, or the way she prepared vegetables that cannot be duplicated. In life, we find comfort in certain foods. Hence, they’re called “comfort foods.”
One of the best comfort foods is pizza. Considering there’s a pizza place in nearly every town, small or large, and people can’t seem to get enough pizza, it’s obviously popular. Pizza is a great comfort food because it evokes good thoughts and warm feelings. Eating pizza improves your sense of well-being and even makes you feel less lonely. It sounds corny, but pizza is like a really good friend.
Now one thing’s for sure: Buffalonians love comfort food. With the cold, snowy winters, there’s nothing better than a hot, tasty pizza from Bocce Club Pizza.
During the past couple decades a lot of our friends and family moved away from Buffalo. Since they’re far from home, they probably check the Buffalo News website to keep tabs on what’s happening in the area. They probably try to visit once in a while, especially at Thanksgiving or Christmas. They’ll tell you they miss home, including certain foods like beef-on-weck and Bocce Club pizza.
Well, here’s something you should know: Bocce can actually mail people pizza! So, if you or a friend/relative is far from home, have Bocce mail them a pizza to remind them of home. Comfort food can be shipped!