Why Comfort Food is Good for the Soul
August 24, 2016
What Does the word ‘Bocce’ Mean to You?
September 27, 2016There’s just something about pizza that makes it the kind of food people don’t just like…they love it! Indeed, people seem to crave pizza.
In college, clubs looking for new members always use pizza as the main draw to get new people into the club. Look around a campus today and you’ll undoubtedly see advertisements for various clubs and organizations. Their meetings, if they want them to be well-attended, offer “free pizza!”
Now if you’re a business owner and you’d like to reward employees for their great work, you should consider ordering Bocce Club Pizza. Not only does pizza serve as a reward for people, but it’s also a great motivator, too. Take, for example, a study that involved employees at an Intel factory in Israel.
In this study, there were four possible scenarios involving the assembly of a certain amount of computer chips that day. One group got a message promising pizza if they reached and exceeded their goal. Another group was promised compliments. Another was promised a cash bonus. And the control group received no message– no incentive at all. So what do you think turned out to be the biggest motivator that day? You’d expect it to be cash, right? Nope! It was the promise of pizza, which increased productivity by 6.7 percent.
Employees tend to do the same things over and over, everyday. When an employer introduces pizza into the mix, it’s “nice for a change,” as the saying goes. Pizza brings people together as they all reach for a slice. It’s a communal food– the kind that can be eaten by hand or on a napkin or plate. Asking employees what particular toppings they want is also a good way to show them you care, and the nice thing about pizza is it can be customized to people’s preferences.
Reward and/or motivate your employees today by giving them a nice surprise: Bocce Club Pizza. Please call 716-833-1344 (Amherst) or 716-689-2345 (E. Amherst) to place your order today.