5 Leftover Pizza Hacks You Will Want To Try
January 13, 2016
Pizza Cleanse Can Help You Lose Weight
February 8, 2016By the time you think about how you hold your pizza when you eat it, it’s probably too late because it was so delicious, that it is already gone from your hand.
But there are pizza aficionados out there that worry about this sort of thing.
Those who are obsessed with perfection to the point where it can be considered an obsessive compulsive disorder.
Proving that you shouldn’t eat pizza unless you eat it a certain way.
Questions like, “You eat pizza with a fork and knife? What kind of human are you?” can be heard from those types of pizza traditionalists.
It’s almost like the scenario introduced from Dr. Suess’ in The Butter Battle Book – how to eat your bread with butter, and how a whole society was divided because of their different preferences.
So is there really a right way to hold and eat pizza?
According to a 19th century math genius named Carl Friedrich Gauss and his Theorema Egregium, or remarkable theorem, which states that the “curvature of a surface does not change if one bends the surface without stretching it.
And so when it comes to pizza, the Gaussian theorem implies that because the pizza is flat, that even when you bend it, one part will always remain flat.
When the pizza slice flops around the flat direction will be pointed sideways.
This isn’t helpful for eating your meal in a non-messy manner.
But because of Gauss’ theorem, we know that by folding the pizza slice sideways at the crust, you’re essentially forcing it to become flat in the other direction.
This way the tasty pizza points towards your mouth from the curvatures strengths so you’re not eating your pizza like Rudy.
Pizza Cleanse Can Help You Lose Weight
February 8th, 2016
Pizza Cleanse
Yes, you read that right, one man claims that he ate pizza every day and it helped him to lose 100 pounds.
Italian chef and current New Yorker, Pasquale Cozzolino told Good Morning America how he lost over 100 pounds in the summer just eating pizza every day.
At over 370 pounds, Cozzolino realized it was time to lose weight once he was struggling to play with his son and that his doctor told him he was at serious risk of a heart attack.
That’s when the Italian chef started making his own pizzas out of fresh materials and eating them for lunch every day. And being a chef from the homeland, making the delicious pizza wasn’t hard.
According to Cozzolino, the key to his weight loss success on his pizza diet was that “fresh food is your medicine and when you eat a pizza, you don’t need anything else.”
Taking a quick look at his Instagram account, it looks like he has stuck with the pizza diet and is still cooking and eating them for his daily meals.
Can’t fault him, great pizza is addicting!
Of course, good exercise and supplementing the diet with other good meals helped Cozzolino to lose the weight.
So we must know, would you go on a Bocce’s Club Pizza diet? Are you already on a Bocce’s diet? How tasty would that be, and could you help yourself by not eating the whole pizza?
The struggle would be real, for sure. When you order our pizzas we have plenty of healthy options, including a gluten-free pizza.
Get your start on a pizza cleanse when you order from Bocce’s at one of our Amherst locations. Or if you aren’t lucky enough to still live in Buffalo, we can satisfy your hunger and craving for Buffalo’s best pizza when you order from our nationwide service.
Tags: Buffalo Pizza, Gluten-Free, Healthy, Healthy Options, Losing Weight, Pizza Cleanse
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Is There A Right Way To Hold And Eat Your Pizza?
January 28th, 2016
Hold Your Pizza
By the time you think about how you hold your pizza when you eat it, it’s probably too late because it was so delicious, that it is already gone from your hand.
But there are pizza aficionados out there that worry about this sort of thing.
Those who are obsessed with perfection to the point where it can be considered an obsessive compulsive disorder.
Proving that you shouldn’t eat pizza unless you eat it a certain way.
Questions like, “You eat pizza with a fork and knife? What kind of human are you?” can be heard from those types of pizza traditionalists.
It’s almost like the scenario introduced from Dr. Suess’ in The Butter Battle Book – how to eat your bread with butter, and how a whole society was divided because of their different preferences.
So is there really a right way to hold and eat pizza?
According to a 19th century math genius named Carl Friedrich Gauss and his Theorema Egregium, or remarkable theorem, which states that the “curvature of a surface does not change if one bends the surface without stretching it.
And so when it comes to pizza, the Gaussian theorem implies that because the pizza is flat, that even when you bend it, one part will always remain flat.
When the pizza slice flops around the flat direction will be pointed sideways.
This isn’t helpful for eating your meal in a non-messy manner.
But because of Gauss’ theorem, we know that by folding the pizza slice sideways at the crust, you’re essentially forcing it to become flat in the other direction.
This way the tasty pizza points towards your mouth from the curvatures strengths so you’re not eating your pizza like Rudy.
Bocce Club Pizza is the best pizza in Buffalo to eat at any time and in any way. We promise we won’t judge how you eat your pizza, as long as it’s one of our original or specialty pies.
To order call one of our great Amherst locations or get it nationwide by contacting us today!